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The Miles Miser Amenity Kit Giveway Rules

1. Eligibility: The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway is open to legal residents of the U.S.A. who are 18 and older who type the word “Amenity” in the comments section of this video. Entrants must be 18 as of their date of entry in this promotion in order to qualify. This giveaway is subject to federal, state, and local laws and regulations and void where prohibited by law.


2. Sponsorship. MilesMiser, is not affiliated with American Airlines and is not endorsed by them or YouTube in any way. 


3. Agreement to Rules: By entering this Giveaway, the Entrant (“You”) agrees to abide by the Sponsor's Official Rules and decisions, which are fully and unconditionally binding in all respects. The Sponsor reserve the right to refuse, withdraw, or disqualify any entry at any time at the Sponsor’s sole discretion. By entering this Giveaway You represent that You are eligible to participate based on eligibility requirements explained in the Official Rules. You also agree to accept the decisions of the Sponsor as final and binding as it relates to the content of this The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway. 


4. The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway Entry Period: This promotion begins on February 23 2021 at time of the video’s posting Eastern time and ends on March 5th 2021 Eastern time. 


5. How to Enter: Eligible entrants can enter The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway by typing “Amenity” in the comments section below the video. Entries must be received within the specified Entry Period. As a participant, your entry must fully meet all Giveaway requirements, as specified in the Official Rules, in order to be eligible to win an amenity kit. Incomplete entries or those that do not adhere to the Official Rules or specifications will be disqualified at the Sponsor's sole discretion. NOTE: Eligible entrants can only enter The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway once. Fraudulent methods of entry or circumvention of the rules may result in the Sponsor invalidating your entries and removing them from the Giveaway at the Sponsor’s sole discretion. 


6. Prizes: The Winner(s) of the The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway (each of the 3 chosen “Winners”) will receive 1 amenity kit each, a total of 3 kits are available with 1 kit for each winner. There shall be no cash or other prize substitution permitted. The prize is non-transferable. The Winner, upon acceptance of the prize, is solely responsible for all expenses related to the prize, including without limitation any and all local, state, and federal taxes. The Winner shall not transfer assignment of the prize to others nor shall the Winner request the cash equivalent or prize substitution. By accepting the prize, the selected Winner grants permission for the Sponsor to use the Winner’s likeness, entry, and name for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation unless prohibited by law. 


7. Odds: The total number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. 


8. Selection and Notification of Winner: The Winner will be selected by a random drawing, under the supervision of the Sponsor. The Sponsor will notify the Winner(s) by leaving a message in their entry in the Comments section below the video within five days following Winner selection. The Sponsor is not responsible for nor shall have any liability for Winner’s failure to receive notices due to email security settings that may cause notifications to be marked as spam or junk email. Nor shall be Sponsor be liable for the Winner’s provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information. If the Winner 1) fails to claim the prize within [3 days] from the time the award notification was sent, 2) is found ineligible, or 3) does not complete and return an executed declaration and release within the specified timeframe, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate Winner may be selected. Receipt of the prize (The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway) by the Winner is upon the condition of compliance with any and all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. IF THE WINNER VIOLATES ANY OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES, THE WINNER (AT THE SPONSOR’S SOLE DISCRETION) WILL BE DISQUALIFIED, AND ALL PRIVILEGES AS WINNER WILL BE IMMEDIATELY TERMINATED. 


9. Rights Granted by You: By submitting an entry (commenting with the word Amenity in the comments section under this specific video only) into this The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway, You understand and agree that the Sponsor, any individual acting on the Sponsor’s behalf, and the licensees successors, and assigns of the Sponsor shall, where permitted by law, have the right to print, publish, broadcast, distribute and use in any media known now or hereafter developed, in perpetuity, worldwide, and without limitation, your submission, name, photo, portrait, voice, likeness, image, statements about the The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway, and your biographical information for news, publicity, advertising, promotional purposes, trade, information, and public relations without any further notice, review, consent, compensation, or remuneration. 


10. Terms & Conditions: In its sole discretion, the Sponsor reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel, or terminate the The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway should non-authorized human intervention, a bug or virus, fraud, or other causes beyond the Sponsor’s control, impact or corrupt the security, fairness, proper conduct, or administration of the The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway. The Sponsor, in the event of any of the above issues, may determine the Winner based on all eligible entries received prior to the action taken by the Sponsor. Individuals who tamper with or attempt to tamper with the operation or entry process of the The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway or website or violates these Terms & Conditions will be disqualified by the Sponsor in its sole discretion. In its sole discretion, the Sponsor has the right to maintain the integrity of the The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway, to void votes for any reason, including, but not limited to: multiple entries from the same user; multiple entries from the same computer beyond the number allowed by theThe MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway rules; or the use of bots, macros, scripts, or other technical means for entering.Attempts by any entrant to deliberately damage any website or undermine the legitimate operation of The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway may be a violation of criminal and civil laws. If any such attempt is made, the Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages to the fullest extent permitted by law. 


11. Limitation of Liability: Your entry into this The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway constitutes Your agreement to release and hold harmless the Sponsor and its subsidiaries, representatives, affiliates, partners, advertising and promotion agencies, successors, agents, assigns, directors, employees, and officers against and from any and all claims, liability, illness, injury, death, litigation, loss, or damages that may occur, directly or indirectly from participation in the giveaway and/or the 1) Winner accepting, possessing, using, or misusing of any awarded prize or any portion thereof; 2) any type of technical failure; 3) the unavailability or inaccessibility of any transmissions, phone, or Internet service; 4) unauthorized intervention in any part of the entry process or the Promotion; 5) electronic error or human error in the Promotion administration or the processing of entries. 


12. Disputes: THIS The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway IS GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF U.S.A. AND WITHOUT RESPECT TO CONFLICT OF LAW DOCTRINES. The Entrant agrees, as a condition of participating in this promotion, that if any disputes cannot be resolved between the Entrant and the Sponsor, and if causes of action arise out of or are connected with this The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway, they shall be individually resolved exclusively with no court involvement and without resorting to any form of class action. Under no circumstances in any such dispute shall the participant be permitted to obtain awards for, and hereby waives all rights to, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages, including reasonable attorney’s fees, other than participant’s actual out-of-pocket expenses (i.e. costs associated with entering this The MilesMiser Amenity kit Giveaway). The participant waives all rights to have damages multiplied or increased. 



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