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Ryan Air Flight from Dublin to Rome

When in Rome, no wait, scratch that...

For our vacation in Europe on September 2017, we decided to book lower cost flights on Ryanair to get from Dublin to Rome to decrease our traveling costs while in Europe.

Ryanair is a low cost, no frills airline that flies to a ton of places in Europe. Because of that, many people pile on the plane seeking cheap quick transportation. We opted for the slightly higher cost tickets so we would have the option to pick our own seats, as to not be separated. That cost roughly an extra $29 USD a person. The total for our two tickets came to $279 USD.

We had a 6:55 am scheduled departure time. Our plane had a slightly delayed boarding and subsequent takeoff. Once boarded we found our assigned seats. The seats were very hard and had no recline. I knew I was in for a special 2+ hour flight. I’m used to U.S. domestic airline travel and while that usually isn’t pleasant sitting in coach, it was far above Ryanair seats.

Once the plane door was secured and we started taxing for takeoff, a couple people actually got up and started rummaging through their bags in the overhead bins. The stewardess told them 3 times, in an ever increasing volume to sit down. I was stunned all I could do was stare with my mouth open wondering, what the hell is happening?

We finally took off and were about to level out from our assent, when what do I see but the same person who got up from before, waving to his friend in the back, telling him to come up to sit by him or something it was in Italian so I couldn’t be 100% sure. He then proceeds to unbuckle his seatbelt and go back into the overhead bin! We were still ascending.

The stewardess looked like she was about to have a coronary and I didn’t blame her as she was yelling at this person. OMG I thought, is this my last flight or what? I think he got the hint and finally settled down. The flight had somewhat of a party scene with people standing in the aisles and chatting in groups. I saw multiple people jumping seats on top of other passengers and shouting to friends in the back and front of the plane.

After the plane leveled out the flight stewardess brought out the cart and I was thinking, I could use a drink to calm my nerves. But no, I was fooled again. They started selling lottery scratch off tickets, cologne and perfume, from the cart. What is going on, I thought? People were buying the scratch off tickets though and I was thoroughly amazed. Shortly after that they brought out another cart, this time with snacks drinks, and water. I finally get water or maybe vodka at this point. Wrong again! Everything costs on this airline. No complimentary drinks or snacks.

Is this how they try and make up for the cheap airline tickets? They sell everything from the ability to pick your own seat to drinks and more.

We landed in Rome safe a couple of hours later. Had I known what to expect before booking the flight maybe I would have picked a different carrier. When researching flights from Dublin to Rome though they were all cost substantially more.

Would I fly Ryanair again? I actually did. We flew Ryanair from Pisa to Gatwick England. That flight thankfully didn’t have the crazy people and shenanigans like my first flight. It still had everything else though. Would I recommend Ryanair? Maybe if the flight was under an hour. I know what to possibly expect now, unfortunately. If cost is the only factor for picking a flight then sure fly them. I give the stewardess and pilots a lot of credit for having the patience and nerves of steel to deal with the headaches that must come with flying and working on a low cost airline.  I’m sorry, I don’t have photos of this flight since my hands were busy gripping the seat armrest.

Thanks for reading!


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