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The Superstition Mountains

Hiking in the mountains and hills of Arizona was a great experience. We flew into Phoenix on American Airlines, then we drove south to the lost Dutchman State Park to start our hiking adventure at the Superstition Mountains.

At first the hike wasn’t hard but as we got an hour in and steadily rose in elevation in the mid-day sun, it got a bit tougher. The sights were spectacular. I had never seen a cactus or the small scrub brush in a desert environment before, everything popped out at me, which added to the excitement. The hills and mountains were mesmerizing, each outcropping or mesa had been shaped through the millennium and had its own unique shape.

My eyes were working overtime trying to take it all in, not to mention my neck from looking this way and that. On top of all that I was continuously looking around at the ground and trail making sure I didn’t inadvertently step on a rattlesnake or scorpion sunning itself on the trail!

As I hiked and the elevation changed and we got closer to the mountains you could start to see the caves hidden away in the side of the mountains. My mind started to wander and daydream about the old time gold miners and their search for the mother lode. I wonder just how many people had gotten lost out here in the desert and mountains searching for gold and never seen again.

Definitely bring a backpack with water, a hat, sunscreen, layered clothing, and snacks if you’re thinking of hiking in the desert. Most people think, I’ll wear minimal clothing because it’s so hot. Most people might be unaware that it can be really cold in the early mornings and late at night sometimes, so be prepared just in case. If you want to see more of AZ, check out my article Two Beautiful Hikes in Sedona.

Thanks for reading!


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